Wednesday, August 18, 2010

A New Beginning

A new life and a new blog!  How about that?!

I can honestly say that this past year has probably been one of my best but at the same time one of my worst.

Worst, because my father was diagnosed with Pulmonary Fibrosis and Lupus all within weeks of each other.  He's really sick and has trouble breathing most of the time.  Of course he does have good days and he's staying pretty positive.  It amazes me at how strong my father is.  I'm truly blessed to have such a wonderful man to call dad!  Ok no more mushy I love my dad stuff.  :)  His business has taken a huge hit due to the economy taking a massive dump and so to go along with that my parents have lost their house.  We are in the process of cleaning, packing and trying to find them (and the three dogs) a house to rent in a decent neighborhood.  Ahhh the joys of life and it's crazy curve balls it throws at you!

Best, because I've lost 165lbs (a whole freakin person!!!) and now I'm in decent shape to do all this cleaning, packing and moving! lol No more back, knee and ankle pains.  Woohoo!  Joshua and I have reunited after being broken up for a year.  That wasn't a total shock to my family but a shock to some of my friends (love you Stace lol).  I think enough time passed for us both to see life in a different way.  And we both learned what we want, whats important to us and most of all that life just wasn't the same without each other.  Oh and I'm moving back to the OC soon!  Where I wont sweat like a whore in church and can breath like a normal human again.  The heat and dirt out here kills me.

Ok so before and after pics and then I'm out...